Green Transportation Alternatives


Greenways | Bicycle Facilities | Sidewalks | Shared-Use Paths

Multi-Modal | Community Connections

The modern transportation system is multi-modal and should serve the entire community by re-connecting, enhancing, and strengthening neighborhood connections.  Short trips within neighborhoods and communities by walking or cycling should be made available to the maximum extent possible and a successful, healthy, and forward thinking transportation system can no longer be solely based on the quickest A to B motorized connections.  We have focused on these neighborhood connections since the inception of the company and have helped engineer, guide, and grow various pedestrian corridors throughout Pennsylvania from ADA ramp improvements to multi-million dollar multi-mile bike/ped trails.   Smartly engineering and developing a safe system of paths, sidewalks, greenways and trails to promote community cohesion, healthy lifestyles, alternative modes of transportation and enhanced recreation opportunities is our goal.

 Let us guide you down the path to green, healthy, thoughtful transportation improvements.
